Covid-19 Update – May 14/2020
Entering in to the end of week 10, we have been closed to all visitors due to Provincial guidelines Grand View Manor is so happy to say that we DO NOT have any residents or staff identified with Covid-19.
As a team, we continue to follow and implement the policies and guidelines outlined in previous memos;
- Closed to all visitors
- Staff continue to wear mask daily and wear PPE equipment as necessary
- Checking temperatures daily; both staff and residents
- All new admissions are swabbed and isolated from 14 days
- Limiting cross staffing in 3 buildings
- High touch areas are cleaned 4x a day
- Gathering of residents in groups of less than 5
We want to thank all of the staff that made this year extra special to all the Mom’s celebrating Mother’s Day. Recreation Staff delivered notes, treats, reached out to families, took pictures while the Nursing staff helped deliver flowers, cards, set up Facetime and arrange calls. The Dietary staff made a delicious meal and Laundry and Housekeeping visited and provided an extra touch and smile. To each and every one of you, we thank you!!
We have received the ipads from the Nova Scotia Government and are placing them on the Units, we will have access to Facebook Messenger, Skype, as well as Facetime. Please reach out to Recreation or your loved Unit directly to make arrangements to have a video call with your loved one. Please note, that we do need advanced notice to make video call arrangements due to the large number of residents and time zone challenges.
We also want to thank Authentic Seacoast Brewing Company gave us a 20 liter pail of hand sanitizer
Thank you so much for your time, patience and support during this time