Covid-19 Update – May 7/2020
As of today, we are happy to say that Grand View Manor DOES NOT have any residents or staff identified with Covid-19.
As a team, we continue to follow and implement the policies and guidelines outlined in previous memos;
- Closed to all visitors
- Staff continue to wear mask daily and wear PPE equipment as necessary
- Checking temperatures daily; both staff and residents
- All new admissions are swabbed and isolated from 14 days
- Limiting cross staffing in 3 buildings
- High touch areas are cleaned 4x a day
- Gathering of residents in groups of less than 5
The Beauty shop is working diligently to get everyone ready for Mother’s Day this weekend, as well Recreation has asked that if families send in special requests of a song etc. (if they have any) they will ensure that those are available to the Residents. Thank you!!
Deliveries of flowers, cards, and gifts will continue to be delivered to all the Residents.
Again, we would like to acknowledge the following individuals and businesses that have made donations to Grand View Manor. These donations are greatly appreciated.
Berwick Foodland for donating cold plates to staff on May 6th
Paula Lemieu donated homemade cards May 7th
Berwick Tim Hortons for their coffee donation on May 4th
GVM Staff Health and Wellness for the Donuts on May 4th
At this time, we would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone!!! It takes a whole team of dedicated individuals to keep everyone safe here at GVM. As well, we want to thank the families for trusting us and being so very patient during this time.
Happy Mother’s Day!!